
Maine Avenue Fish Market


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Location Description

The D.C. Office of Motion Picture and Television Development is pleased to honor the Main Avenue Fish Market as the November 2011 One City Location of the Month. The Fish Market, also known as “the Wharf,” offers distinctive waterfront scenery that contrasts nicely with the historic government buildings and monuments that adorn the nation’s capital. The Southwest Fish Market, one of the last surviving open air seafood markets on the east coast, also serves as a location that could easily double for neighboring cities. The Wharf has been in operation since 1805, serving as the oldest continuously operating fish market in the United States. It was relocated in the 1960s, within a few blocks of its original location on the Washington Channel. Located on the Southwest waterfront along Maine Avenue, the Fish Market is comprised of ten stores on floating barges, each known for its own seafood specialty. Each barge is topped with a brightly colored marquee and lined with a multitude of fresh seafood including crabs, mussels, squid, oysters, and an assortment of whole fish. It is open every day of the week, including holidays, and serves as a popular marketplace for the locals, particularly in the warmer spring and summer months. The Maine Avenue Fish Market has been featured in a number of films and television programs, most recently receiving prominent display in the political thriller “State of Play,” starring Russell Crowe and Ben Affleck.

Location Category

  • HOUSING - [general]
  • STORES / SHOPS - [general]
  • STORES / SHOPS - Outdoor / Farmers Market