
Longreach Region - Morella

Longreach (Qld), QLD, 4730 AU / QLD

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Location Description

45 Minutes’ drive north-west of Longreach. Vast flat arid landscape with long stretches of flat roads. The area has a Country Women’s Association meeting hall and a road side payphone. Few street signs and telegraph poles about. Ideal location for desert/western set. Located 1282km (796 miles / 14 hrs 15 mins) from Village Roadshow Studios. The nearest airport is Longreach Airport (LRE) approx- 2 hour flight from Brisbane Airport (BNE). The closest POH, Brisbane City, is 1245km (773 miles / 14 hrs 5 mins) away.

Location Category

  • LANDSCAPES - [general]
  • LANDSCAPES - [general]
  • LANDSCAPES - Dry Lakes / Flats
  • LANDSCAPES - Plains / Savannahs
  • ROADS / HIGHWAYS - [general]
  • ROADS / HIGHWAYS - Dirt Roads
  • ROADS / HIGHWAYS - Rural / Country Roads
  • ROADS / HIGHWAYS - State Highways